Saturday, June 13, 2009


Cities bombard us with imagery. Most of us have chosen to live in cities where everything and anything we need is (mostly) at our fingertips. Our immediate experiences traversing the grid unfold in casual, expected figures of the last real estate boom. Everything has become nice, cute, clean. That the image of the city has become an amusement park seeking to entertain. It has become nuanced towards consumption, with those servicing the serviced living out on the fringes.

I was wondering where to find those places of absolute emptiness, where the image actually stops your mind from making a consumptive decision, where the image is what it is, where it conveys a distilled essence of a time or place that does not exist in one's immediate present experience. Imagery of a shrinking city or lost Americana of the mid to late twentieth century brings me to places far from the consistent mental assault of cities.

Two incredible web presences:
America Suburb X
100 Abandoned houses


  1. Distilled Essence of Time. Interesting. What does one do when one finds such a place? Rest or renew?

  2. new to your space--very glad to have found it!

  3. Why doesn't the baby get a slug of budweiser? Are they mormons? I mean, really.
